About The Author

Mike Luery is a member of the Society for American Baseball Research (SABR) and an award-winning journalist with more than two decades of broadcasting experience. He is an investigative reporter for KCRA-TV, the top-ranked television station in Sacramento, California, where he is always on the hunt for scams, frauds and government waste - any wrongdoing that needs to be uncovered.
It's back to the future for Luery, who worked previously at KCRA from 1984 - 2000, as the Call 3/Consumer Reporter. Luery was also an investigative reporter for CBS 13 in Sacramento and before that, served three years as NBC's Capitol Bureau Chief in Sacramento, where he covered Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and reported political stories daily for a dozen NBC television stations across California and Nevada.
Early in his career, Luery was a television reporter for KMOL-TV (now WOAI) in San Antonio, Texas and WPTV in West Palm Beach, Florida. His five part series documenting the 1980s resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan in Florida earned an Outstanding Achievement Award for Investigative Reporting from United Press International. UPI also awarded Luery an Outstanding Achievement Award for Investigative Reporting for his multi-part series on cocaine abuse in Florida.
Luery began his broadcasting career in radio. He was the news anchor for WPLR-FM in New Haven, Connecticut, after serving as news director and news anchor at KZOZ-FM in San Luis Obispo, California and general manager of KSPC-FM, the Pomona College radio station in Claremont, California.
Baseball Between Us is Luery's first book. He lives in northern California with his wife Carol.